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Friday 9 March 2012

Football is life for me: Ranbir Kapoor

GaramGossips, By Gahoi Ad Online Media : If not movies, Ranbir Kapoor would have definitely been a footballer. The actor is presently endorsing a campaign on the sport. “Football is life for me and if not an actor, I would have loved to be a footballer. It teaches team work, determination and
discipline apart from being such an exciting sport,” Ranbir told in a press statement. A new campaign by Pepsi features the 29-year-old star. “I am thrilled that Pepsi is bringing the joy of football to India and am delighted to be a part of this campaign,” he included. Deepika Warrier, executive director
(Marketing), PepsiCo Beverages, India, tells, “Football is gaining immense popularity in India and being a true youth soul-mate, Pepsi is proud to be associated with the sport.” Source: GaramGossips